
North America: The mPayments Push

Forty-one percent of North American smartphone users are “extremely aware” of the payments capabilities their mobile devices possess, yet just 16 percent have actually made a mobile payment.

There are two ways to look at that statistic. On the one hand, mPayments awareness is clearly on the rise. But on a less positive note, it’s obvious that not everyone who knows about their mobile capabilities is that enamored with that potential.

That’s just one of the issues Accenture tackles in its latest white paper, “Driving Value and Adoption of Mobile Payments – Consumers Want More.” The white paper dives into why some consumers shy away from mPayments, and offers 10 insights into the relationship between the users and the technologies.

Among Accenture’s other more interesting findings is the assertion that “picking a winning mobile payments technology is unnecessary.” Yes, that’s right – the NFC vs. QR code vs. alternate technology debate we have in the industry all the time doesn’t matter to the consumers debating taking the mPayments plunge.

Accenture also highlights that instant coupon generation is among the best ways to incentivize consumers to increase their use of smartphones for payments, as 60 percent of those they surveyed indicated that they’d be “extremely likely” to increase usage if offered such rewards. Another 33 percent indicated they’d be somewhat likely, with just 7 percent stating that coupons were “not at all likely” to influence their behavior.

What else did Accenture find through its survey, and what conclusions does its white paper make? Read the full report to find out.


To access the Accenture Payments Transformation Series, visit Accenture here.

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And to see more Accenture statistics on mPayments awareness, check out their infographic below.