Omnichannel Series

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4 Signs Your Fraud Protection Needs An Omnichannel Upgrade
December 17, 2013

The payments industry lost more than $11 billion to fraud in 2012, and that figure is only expected to rise as fraud migrates to less secure channels in the wake of EMV adoption in the U.S. But the figure that we don’t know, the far...

The Top 3 Forces Accelerating Omnichannel
October 08, 2013

By Pete Rizzo (@pete_rizzo_) With rapid development currently engulfing the payments space, one week can feel like one year. As a result, it can be difficult for merchants and retailers to understand when to best capitalize on a new idea that could propel their business...

How Omnichannel Is Saving The Bank Branch
September 04, 2013

By Pete Rizzo, Editor (@pete_rizzo_) “With transactions dropping and staffing levels remaining the same, the inevitable outcome is costly overstaffing in the branch environment.” W. Michael Scott, president and CEO of Financial Management Solutions Inc, issued this statement on May 24 in response to research...