Apple’s New Retail Chief To Start Next Week

Nearly seventh months after announcing her hire, Angela Ahrendts will start has Apple’s new head of retail next week, according to information released in the company’s earnings call yesterday afternoon.

Ahrendts comes to Apple from Burberry where she served as CEO and is widely credited with reviving the brand. She will be taking over for former Dixons CEO John Browett who started in the position in early 2012, but left the company only 9 months later.  Apple has struggled with the SVP of retail role since Ron Johnson left in 2011 to take over at JC Penny.  Johnson is largely credited with Apples re-imagine and very successful retail presence.

Ahrendts comes to Apple just in time for expansion in the retail business.  During yesterday’s earnings call, CEO Tim Cook also indicated that the company plans to triple its number of retail locations within the next two years.

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