Worldclear Expands Corporate Payment Clearing Platform

Last week, Worldclear announced that it had launched its global its new payment clearing platform for corporates and financial institutions.

According to a company press release, the wire-transfer company identified a significant demand for multi-currency payment clearing services among financial service providers – particularly for smaller and medium sized institutions. Executives explained that the need is not currently being met by the traditional correspondent banks.

“We are well positioned to satisfy this demand with our state of the art online banking facility, and with the backing of our partners, which include major banks, accounting firms, and top tier legal advisers,” Worldclear founder David Hillary said in a statement.

Hillary added that Worldclear is rapidly expanding its payment methods and the number of currencies. The organization will be able to help corporate institutions because it offers a streamlined application process and adheres to the highest security standards and AML controls.

“This puts us in a strong position to service a client segment often overlooked by the major correspondent banks, namely smaller banks and non-bank financial institutions, as well as non-financial corporates with cross border activities,” Hillary said.

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