Amazon Drones May Land In Seattle

Amazon’s drone delivery program, Prime Air, may be one step closer to taking off in Seattle.

According to Forbes, a Seattle resident tweeted late last week that the e-retailer was planning to scan his property for its Prime Air program.

“Amazon is coming to my house to scan my backyard for Prime Air drone delivery next week!” Andru Edwards posted on Twitter, Forbes reported. Edwards runs a tech review site and also appears in short online videos for Amazon. Edwards’ tweet was deleted after Forbes reached out to him for a comment, and Amazon declined to provide any remarks on the situation.

Amazon Prime Air is far from the point where drones are actually cleared to deliver packages to consumers, but Edwards’ tweet seems the company is taking steps to move the program forward.

Though there seems to still be a cloud of mystery surrounding the status of Amazon’s drone delivery, it is clear that the company is ready to make progress as soon as regulations are approved.

“We’d like to begin delivering to our customers as soon as it’s approved,” Paul Misener, Amazon’s vice president of global public policy, told Forbes. “We will have it all in place by the time any regulations are ready. We are working quickly.”

Although the FAA has eased up on its stance against drones being used for commercial purposes, there is still no official word on when tech giants like Amazon and Google can begin testing drone flights on U.S. soil.

At a drone conference last month, the head of Google’s delivery drone project, Dave Vos, said: “Honestly, in the last two to three weeks, things have made a dramatic change. Three to four months ago, we were a little bit concerned about how much progress we could make here in the U.S., but … what we’re seeing today is significant opportunity to work here in the U.S. with the FAA.”

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