Consumers Push Mobile Shopping Needle Forward

Driving digital commerce growth by over 80 percent, consumers are increasingly spending more money over their mobile devices, the Demandware Shopping Index has found.

In a positive trend marking a shift in consumer shopping habits from buying at physical retail store locations to mobile, the number of consumers shopping on their phone went up by 18 percent in the second quarter of 2015 compared to a year ago, according to a Demandware press release.

While over the years abandoned online shopping baskets have been a common problem for most online retailers, the combination of consumer spending and shopping attraction pushed the index value up by 31 percent.

As retailers gear up to tap the market of tech-savvy shoppers using omnichannel platforms to make their choices, the index saw a 94 percent year-over-year increase in traffic, 74 percent increase in online cart creation and a solid 47 percent growth in orders, globally.

Though a visible decline in abandoned carts is good news to retailers, it still makes for a top problem for online retailers, which reportedly see 70 to 80 percent of shopping carts left abandoned.

“Demandware is advising retailers that it is essential for brands to seamlessly integrate mobile into their global growth strategies, but local preferences and behaviors must be considered when entering new markets,” said Rick Kenney, industry principal at Demandware.

To solve the problem, cloud commerce solutions provider Demandware has partnered with remarketing company SaleCycle, which is leveraging its platform to integrate mailing and online remarketing solutions for retailers looking to drive down abandoned carts with a seamless shopping experience for customers.

In other findings, the index showed that mobile devices are leading the eCommerce war over tablets, which reportedly saw a 10 percent decline in traffic share and a 2 percent decline in order share, year over year.

The index also found a cross-device pattern emerge, where consumers start their shopping process by browsing over their mobile devices and conclude with the transaction over their computers. Evidently, mobile browsing saw a 94 percent traffic jump year over year, whereas computers still lead to 65 percent of all online orders.

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