The Chatbot Revolution Comes To Pizza Hut And Whole Foods

In a news announcement that brings together the Alpha and the Omega of American dining experiences – it seems that both Whole Foods and Pizza Hut are announcing the integration of chatbots into the digital commerce plan.

For those inclined to throw caution to the nutritional winds and hit the Hut, Pizza Hut is coming at consumers on multiple social media fronts with a chatbot for both Facebook and Twitter coming this fall. The bot will be able to both take customer orders and help them navigate deals. If consumers chose to use the Facebook variation, they can connect to their Pizza Hut account so that past orders are available on demand.

One assumes that would be useful for amnesiacs who cannot remember what they typically like on pizzas, we suppose.

If, however, one shies away from consuming over 1,000 calories at a sitting – perhaps the digital conversationalist of choice would be better found with Whole Foods. What they lack in melted-cheese related offerings they make up for in curation, recipes and extremely healthy and sustainable food. It remains to be announced when exactly the Whole Foods Bot will be available.