Medical Travelers Clamor For Luxe US Health Care
Medical Travelers Clamor For Luxe US Health Care
February 08, 2017  |  Global Citizen

Millions of people seeking medical care travel across borders each year to receive treatment, turning international health care into an industry worth as much as...

Global Citizens Pick US For Health Care
Global Citizens Pick US For Health Care
February 07, 2017  |  Global Citizen

Millions of people seeking medical care travel across borders each year to receive treatment, turning international health care into an industry worth as much as...

NEW REPORT: Have Medical Condition, Will Travel X-Border
NEW REPORT: Have Medical Condition, Will Travel X-Border
February 06, 2017  |  Global Citizen

Every year, millions of global citizens travel across the world — not for beaches, attractions or cuisine – but in order to seek medical treatment....

Banking’s Mark On X-Border Payments
Banking’s Mark On X-Border Payments
October 12, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

The dynamic nature of the cross-border space continues to spark innovation and advancements in payments. But with banking undergoing its own transformation, how will these...

Tackling The ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Global Payments Myth
Tackling The ‘One-Size-Fits-All’ Global Payments Myth
October 06, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

Moving money from Point A to Point B is about a lot more than the transaction itself. For Global Citizens, as well as the receiving...

Why Payment Experience Matters For Global Citizens
Why Payment Experience Matters For Global Citizens
September 30, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

Global Citizens are an attractive (and quickly growing) market. They make high-ticket payments in full for things like education and health care, which can be...

Running The Global Payments Compliance Playbook
Running The Global Payments Compliance Playbook
September 20, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

In a perfect world, there would be a global compliance payment standard making it easy to securely send and receive money all over the world....

Tackling The Two Rs Of X-Border Payments
Tackling The Two Rs Of X-Border Payments
September 08, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

Receivers and reconciliation are two of the biggest frictions in cross-border payments. And it’s especially acute when that receiver is an institution receiving thousands of...

Getting X-Border Payments Done for Global Citizens
Getting X-Border Payments Done for Global Citizens
August 31, 2016  |  Cross Border Commerce

The movement of money cross-border by Global Citizens is growing tremendously. What’s needed, Flywire CEO Mike Massaro tells Karen Webster isn’t a money transmission network...