PYMNTS Intelligence and Mastercard ad for the PSP checkout report: Australia edition. Click to read.

Apple Readies iBeacon For In-Store Launch

Apple is set to be begin using its iBeacon technology at its 245 U.S. Apple stores on Friday, The Associated Press revealed on December 6.

iBeacon relies on bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology to send shoppers push notifications about products and services. Customers need to download the Apple Store app to receive these messages.

Apple has installed 20 iBeacons at its Fifth Avenue store in New York City. The AP reports iBeacons can be adjusted to deliver messages in certain distances, and profiled the technology’s advantages over GPS technology, as well as its potential privacy concerns.

To learn more about Apple iBeacon and its launch, read the full report here.

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PYMNTS Intelligence and Mastercard ad for the PSP checkout report: Australia edition. Click to read.