PYMNTS Intelligence and Mastercard ad for the PSP checkout report: Australia edition. Click to read.

Shopkick’s ShopBeacon Puts Apple’s iBeacon To Work

Mobile shopping app ShopKick has released a new tool for retailers that uses Apple’s Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mobile phone feature, iBeacon, TechCrunch reported on November 20.

ShopBeacon uses micro-location trigger technology to broadcast messages about products marked in the Shopkicks app. If an item that the user has marked is on sale or part of a promotion, they receive a message alerting them via the app.

The program is being tested by several retailers, including the San Francisco and New York locations of The Sports Authority, Old Navy, Best Buy and American Eagle Outfitters.

To learn more about Shopkick’s utilization of the Apple iBeacon, read the full story here.

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PYMNTS Intelligence and Mastercard ad for the PSP checkout report: Australia edition. Click to read.