A PYMNTS Company

Summer 2010, Volume 7, Number 1

 |  Dec 21, 2015

In this issue: Our Latin American issue is presented by Danny Sokol who, with Eleanor Fox, recently published Latin American Competition Law and Policy. In Argentina, Julián Peña takes a…

Amendments to Improve the Mexican Competition Law
 |  Jun 30, 2014

Gerardo Calderon-Villegas, Jul 14, 2010 In April 2010, President Felipe Calderon sent the Mexican Congress a bill to amend the Federal Law of Economic Competition (“LFCE”) and other statutes, in…

Transition and Transformations in Latin American Competition Law and Policy: An Introduction
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Daniel Sokol, Jul 14, 2010 Last year, Eleanor Fox and I published Latin American Competition Law and Policy. We attempted to fill a gap by editing a volume that examined…

Antitrust Enforcement in Argentina Under Stricter Judicial Scrutiny
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Julian Pena, Jul 14, 2010 In the past couple of years, the courts have become increasingly stricter when reviewing decisions taken by the antitrust authorities in Argentina. Although historically the…

2003-2010: Brazil’s Anti-Cartel Effort”What’s Next?
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Ana Paula Martinez, Jul 14, 2010 According to the OECD 2010 Competition Law & Policy in Brazil-A Peer Review, “Brazil’s anti-cartel programme is now widely respected in Brazil and abroad”…

Recent Developments in Brazilian Competition Law and Policy
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Paulo Leonardo Casagrande, Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Jul 14, 2010 Nowadays, Brazil is considered an increasingly sophisticated jurisdiction in competition law matters. The Brazilian competition authorities are internationally…

The Interface Between Competition Law and Regulation in ChileWho’s the Boss?
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Paulo Montt, Jul 14, 2010 The context of post-liberalization has led to different tensions between competition law and regulation in several markets such as telecommunications and electricity. Whereas certain segments…

Collusion Among Health Insurers in Chile: Good, Bad, and Ugly Reasons in a Split Decision
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Claudio Agostini, Eduardo Saavedra, Manuel Willington, Jul 14, 2010 In 2002 five of the largest Chilean private health insurance providers (“Isapres”) reduced the coverage they offered to their members without…

Competition Law Reform in Mexico: A Note on Joint Dominance
 |  Sep 3, 2010

Victor Pavon-Villamayor, Jul 14, 2010 On April 30, 2010, the Mexican Congress approved a long-awaited set of reforms to the Federal Competition Law (“FCL”).The reform is particularly broad in terms…
