PYMNTS’ Daily Data Dive: Alibaba Invests $200M

In an effort to significantly grow its presence in South Asia, Chinese eCommerce company Alibaba has announced its decision to invest $200 million in Indian online retailer Paytm E-Commerce.

While Alibaba has already invested in various companies that have locations in India, including Snapdeal, this is the first time it has taken a direct action to be involved in an India-based company. It’s also a major step toward increasing Alibaba’s capability to take on eCommerce giant Amazon.

Here are the numbers:

$1.1 billion | Paytm valuation amount with Alibaba investment

$5 billion | Amount Amazon has already invested to become the eCommerce leader

20 to 30 percent | Alibaba’s goal for sales growth outside of China

$1 trillion |  Amount to which Alibaba seeks to grow its annual transaction volume by 2020

48 percent | Alibaba’s projected growth for the fiscal year ending in March 2017