After Years Of Speculation, Bitcoins Inventor ID’d – Or Was He?

07 March 2014

Yesterday, after years of speculation – outlandish and sensible – the brain behind bitcoin was finally unmasked. Newsweek reports that the inventor of Bitcoin, known heretofore only under the pseudonym “Satoshi Nakamoto,” is really Dorian S. Nakamoto.

But wait. Later in the day, the Associated Press reported that Nakamoto was denying Newsweek’s claim. Newsweek, however, was standing by its story.

Nakamoto, who was born in Japan and educated in the U.S., was working for the military and currently resides in California. His legal name was once Satochi Nakamoto, but he had it legally changed when he was 23.

The chief scientist of the Bitcoin Foundation aided Newsweek in its unmasking of the very private Bitcoin inventor. He now reports regretting giving Newsweek access to his research, and says he did not think Newsweek would publish the information.

Pymnts has more on the unmasking of Dorian S. Nakamoto in an earlier report.

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