European Card Acquiring Forum 2011

Organizers of the Event: Empiria Group

Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Marlene”Dietrich”Platz 2, 10785 Berlin, Germany

Dates: 22-24 February 2011


ECAF represents a truly independent and the only discussion platform putting together the community of card acquiring professionals from Europe and beyond. Merchants, acquirers, processors, schemes, regulatory bodies, consultants and other industry professionals are an inevitable part of this three day interactive event.

It is an excellent meeting ground for both knowledge and business seeking organisations active in card market. Quality content, outstanding speakers, business atmosphere and precious organisation contributed to the success of the two previous events. Given this, ECAF undoubtedly lies down the cornerstone for card acquiring society and stands for one of the most important card-related events of the year. (Request Brochure)

Event Attendance Breakdown


  • Acquiring banks 28%

  • Global Merchants 8%

  • Processors 15%

  • Schemes and regulators 5%

  • Solution providers 30%

  • Payment service providers 6%

  • Industry experts 8%


Facts from 2010


  • 300+ participants

  • 50+ high profile speakers

  • 19 sponsors

  • 19 exhibitors