Time is up! Here are the results of the Mobile 206 exam:
Question 1: What do you believe is the largest segment of mobile commerce today?
a) Ringtone download from operator (50%)
b) Game download from operator (10%)
c) Application download from software platform manager (40%)
d) Remote purchase from 3rd-party merchant (0%)
Question 2: What is the most prevalent form of non-voice communication from mobiles in North America?
a) Mobile web-based interaction (10%)
b) Email (0%)
c) USSD (0%)
d) SMS text (90%)
Question 3: Who has been the biggest impediment to mobile NFC growth to date, and why?
a) Operators, who refuse to subsidize NFC handsets without a share of transaction revenues (30%)
b) Issuers, who refuse to share NFC transaction revenues with operators (20%)
c) Merchants, who see no incremental business case benefit from NFC acceptance (50%)
d) Processors, who see no business case for selling NFC acceptance and devices to merchants (0%)
Question 4: Are private label credit products successful in the US marketplace, and why?
– Yes, because the serve merchant needs for a combination of cost control and closed-loop data mining (40%)
– No, because consumers do not see the utility in a unique-use credit product (60%)
Question 5: Within the next 3 years, what is likely to be the most prevalent form of mobile payment in North America?
a) Text-to-buy applications that help advertisers turn print media ads into eCommerce-like transactions (0%)
b) Mobile NFC proximity payments at the point of sale (20%)
c) Mobile web browsing sessions generating eCommerce transactions (40%)
d) Ringtones and downloads, especially applications, will still be the majority (40%)