July 25, 2014
Competing With The Big Boys In X-Border
How quaint. No voicemail and guaranteeing calls get answered within three rings. Hear why Jonathan Quin, CEO of UK-based World First thinks that competing with the big boys in the...
July 24, 2014
Where Flexibility Can Help, And Hinder, B2B ACH Growth
NACHA, which oversees the nation’s automated clearinghouse system, has made great strides in recent years to help companies facilitate ACH B2B payments. This progress has helped especially large companies to...
July 24, 2014
New B2B Payment System Set To Boost Corporate Travel Industry
Electronic payment solutions provider CSI globalVCard recently announced the launch of a new B2B payment system. Called globalVCard travel, the innovation is designed to alleviate many of the corporate travel...
July 23, 2014
What Did Apple Say About Payments Yesterday?
Absolutely nothing. Of course, we wouldn’t expect Apple to show its hand regarding any plans it might have in the mobile-payments space. But with all the rumors circulating around the...
July 23, 2014
Faster, Better Cross Border Business Payments
Six Minutes and 49 Seconds. That’s how long it took, on average, for SMEs to move funds across bank accounts and borders. And the company responsible wasn’t one of the...
July 21, 2014
Innovation Investment Tracker | Week of July 21
An acquisition and an auction drove the bulk of investment activity last week. Of the venture back moves, alternative lending and electronification of documents paved the way. The Big Takeaways for Payments and Commerce $5.7...
July 18, 2014
Why Innovators Will Win The B2B Payments Game
Traditional players may have the deep pockets to develop and distribute new products and services but they can’t win. That’s at least the view of NVoicePay CEO Karla Freide on...
July 18, 2014
The ATM Network Of The B2B Payments Space
Billtrust has provided outsourced B2B billing and payments services for suppliers for years. But their recent acquisition of Open Scan will enable much more – the ability to route payments...
July 18, 2014
WEX Finalizes Exxon Mobil Card Acquisition
Payments solutions provider WEX Inc. announced this week that it had finalized ExxonMobil’s European commercial fuel card (“Esso Card”) program through a majority owned joint venture. WEX President and CEO...
Business cards offer numerous benefits to small businesses over other financing, including easier qualification, significantly higher credit limits, and perks such as cash back, travel and mileage-earning rewards. The latest “B2B and Digital Payments Tracker®” explores why 63% of small business owners using cards as their primary startup funding attribute their success to this method of financing.
Real-time payments already account for at least 15% of B2B payments volume in the insurance, manufacturing and retail industries. PYMNTS Intelligence’s latest study of 500 executives across the retail, insurance, manufacturing and real estate sectors examines how these industries are using real time payments today and their plans for the future. Read more in “The State of Real-Time Payments,” a collaboration with The Clearing House.