Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group

Bitcoin Daily: MUFG To Issue Crypto For Payment App; Unsuccessful Hackers Demanded $7.5M In Crypto From Argentina’s Telecom SA To Stop Attack
Bitcoin Daily: MUFG To Issue Crypto For Payment App; Unsuccessful Hackers Demanded $7.5M In Crypto...
July 20, 2020  |  Bitcoin

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), the biggest banking enterprise in Japan, is scheduled to release a cryptocurrency later this year, CoinDesk reported. The digital currency...

MUFG Shifts Focus To Digital Investments To Grow Customer Base
MUFG Shifts Focus To Digital Investments To Grow Customer Base
July 13, 2020  |  International

Once on a mission to buy up Southeast Asian banks, Japan’s biggest lender is now focused on digital investments to reach new customers and streamline...

MUFG Invests $700M In Ride-Hailing Grab To Create Super-App
MUFG Invests $700M In Ride-Hailing Grab To Create Super-App
February 19, 2020  |  Investments

The largest bank in Japan, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), has invested over $700 million in Grab, a ride-hailing company in Southeast Asia that also...