Recycling Old Methods Into New Ideas

innovation digital

Innovation, though it involves finding new good ideas, is also about holding onto and properly preserving the old ones. Some old ideas stayed around precisely because they are good ideas as well. Credit unions have a lot of updating to do, but users swear by their customer service core. Community banks are pushing their new products, though the old CW holds that consumers vastly prefer to hear about new features. Identity protection has gone completely high-tech, but the team at Jumio says that doesn’t mean the old need for manual pulls is gone. Samsung is all about the cutting edge, and bringing consumers to the tale with good old-fashioned rewards.

2016: The year Samsung launched Samsung Rewards.

5,757: The number of U.S.-based credit unions as of 2017.

10 to 20 percent: The share of verifications security providers should manually pull to determine if new fraud types are appearing.

40 percent: The share of community banks that emphasize features over new products.

15 percent: The share of entrepreneurs who report using credit unions.