Get On The Inside Of What’s Happening In Mobile Commerce

Become a Mobile Insider or else miss out on reading, watching and engaging with some of the most insightful people in payments, mobile and commerce. 

Here’s just a little sliver of what you’ll miss if you don’t sign up before we launch on November 5th with our first live webinar with MCX CEO Dekkers Davidson.

  •  MCX CEO Dekkers Davidson for 60 minutes sharing his insider insights on engaging consumers via the mobile channel and what the MCX experience will do that existing solutions can’t.
  •  Who consumers trust for “issuing” a mobile wallet – we guarantee that the answer will surprise you. 
  •  Which merchant recently integrated its loyalty and payments app directly into its POS system, and why they didn’t wait another year to do it.
  • How one retailer, in particular, is taking on showrooming by beefing up its loyalty program and encouraging price comparisons in the store. 

And we can’t think of a better way to kick off our Series than to have the CEO of the burgeoning merchant network that operates more than 90,000 locations with combined annual sales exceeding $1 trillion share his insights with Market Platform Dynamics (MPD) CEO Karen Webster and our PYMNTS Mobile Commerce Insiders. Don’t get left out!

Find out more about our upcoming 12 monthly PYMNTS Mobile Commerce Insiders Series discussions featuring experts front and center on the first Tuesday of each month, focusing on different stops along the PYMNTS Mobile Commerce Ecosystem. So, get your questions ready and register today to be sure you snag your spot to participate in our first live discussion next Tuesday!