One Click For One-Hour Delivery Of Recipe Ingredients

Grocery delivery startup Instacart has cut a deal with Pinterest-like recipe service Yummly to deliver ingredients on-demand, according to VentureBeat.

Under the deal, which Yummly announced on Monday (Jan. 5), users of Yummly’s iOS app can now pick out recipes and get the ingredients delivered via Instacart within an hour. An Instacart personal shopper will receive a user’s order from Yummly, collect the ingredients and deliver them. Yummly says it has 15 million active monthly users who can take advantage of the automatic grocery delivery service.

Yummly has been partnering with Instacart since September 2013, under a deal by which Instacart customers could search for recipes on Yummly and have the ingredients delivered. The new twist: It’s now essentially a one-button operation for Yummly users.

The delivery service only works with iPhones and iPads (but not with Yummly’s iPad-specific app) and is available only in Atlanta, Austin, Boulder, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Portland, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle and Washington, D.C.

VentureBeat notes that this week’s deal is “somewhat reminiscent of Postmates’ recent API launch, which expands the ways in which Postmates delivery service can be used. Although Instacart’s plans appear more tame than Postmates’ — it’s not clear if Instacart has additional partnerships planned — this integration will at the very least serve as an interesting ‘lead generation’ opportunity.”