Giovanna Massarotto
Dr. Giovanna Massarotto is an international expert on antitrust, IP law and economic regulation in the field of information technology. She has a PhD from Bocconi University in Milan where she researched and taught Competition Law as an Adjunct Professor. She is currently Academic Fellow at the Center for Technology Innovation and Competition (CTIC) at University of Pennsylvania and affiliate of the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies (UCL CBT). Dr. Massarotto has been invited to lecture on antitrust and legal issues related to blockchain and digital markets by several organizations in the U.S. and EU, including Harvard, the Global Antitrust Institute (GAI) in Washington DC, the OECD, and multiple European universities, such as University of Oxford, University of Liege and EU regulating authorities, including the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), and Autorita’ per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM). Dr. Massarotto spent two years in the United States as a visiting research fellow for her PhD at Fordham University in New York and Washington D.C. working for an economic consulting firm specialized in IP law, economic regulation and antitrust in telecommunication and high-tech industry. She was an Academic Visitor at the University of Oxford, worked at the Italian Antitrust Authority (AGCM) and for various international law firms in Milan. Her book ‘Antitrust Settlements–How a Simple Agreement Can Drive the Economy‘ presents the antitrust consent as a tool to combine law, economics and computer science in both U.S. and EU jurisdictions. In addition to the book, she has published multiple articles that investigate antitrust and regulatory issues related to blockchain, digital markets and software.