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Abu Dhabi Fund Adjusts Structure in Effort to Secure Daily Telegraph Takeover

 |  January 24, 2024

In a bid to assuage growing criticism and regulatory concerns surrounding its acquisition of the Daily Telegraph newspaper, the Abu Dhabi-backed fund has submitted revised proposals featuring a new corporate structure. The move comes after officials at the Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) warned of potential intervention if the deal’s impact on free speech and news representation remains a concern.

The Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) has been closely scrutinizing the takeover bid, expressing reservations about the potential implications for free speech and the accurate representation of news. Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer, in a letter addressing the matter, stated that despite alterations to the corporate structure, her concerns persist.

“While changes have been made to the structure of the companies involved in the takeover, I remain concerned about the potential impact on free speech and the accurate representation of news,” Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer wrote in the letter.

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The Abu Dhabi-backed fund, eager to secure the acquisition of the prestigious Daily Telegraph, has not only revised the corporate structure but also made efforts to address the specific concerns raised by the DCMS. The fund, whose identity remains undisclosed, is striving to navigate the intricate landscape of media ownership, where regulatory bodies closely monitor transactions for potential impacts on editorial independence and news integrity.

The proposed changes to the corporate structure are seen as a strategic move to appease critics and regulatory authorities, signaling a willingness to engage in dialogue and adapt the deal to meet the required standards. However, despite these adjustments, the DCMS has hinted at the possibility of launching a new intervention process if substantial concerns persist.

The Daily Telegraph, a prominent player in the British media landscape, has been subject to various ownership changes over the years. The prospect of an Abu Dhabi-backed fund taking control has drawn attention not only for the financial implications but also for the potential influence on editorial policies and journalistic practices.

As the regulatory scrutiny continues, stakeholders await further developments in the unfolding saga of the Daily Telegraph’s ownership. The extent to which the Abu Dhabi-backed fund’s revised proposals address the concerns raised by the DCMS will likely shape the trajectory of this high-stakes media acquisition.

Source: Herald Series