A PYMNTS Company

China: Sinopec, PetroChina dismiss merger reports

 |  April 27, 2015

Competition policy experts from government, the private sector, NGAs and academia met in Sydney on Monday, were they announced the publication of its new antitrust compliance toolkit for small and medium-sized enterprises entitled “Why Complying with Competition Law is Good for Your Business” and the ICC Recommendations on Pre-Merger Notification Regimes.

The ICC Roundtable on Competition Policy, an initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce, will see participants from around the world discussing issues such as anti-trust compliance for small business, best practices in pre-merger control and the increasing importance of foreign investment reviews.

“The main purpose of the SME Toolkit is to provide very simple tools and checklists to help SMEs both to understand why complying with competition law is good for business, and to help them do this in a practical way.” corporate in-house antitrust counsel Anne Riley said.


Full Content: Seeking Alpha


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