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EU: Antitrust guru Dr. Maier-Rigaud announces career move

 |  September 19, 2013

Former European Commission economist Dr. Frank Maier-Rigaud will join NERA Economic Consulting, according to a press release, where he will head the firm’s European Competition Economics Group.

NERA President Dr. Lawrence Wu described Maier-Rigaud as “a welcome addition” to the consulting firm’s antitrust practice.

Maier-Rigaud spent several years at the European Commission as the regulator’s Senior Economist at the Directorate-General for Comeptition, where he lead reviews of mergers. Additionally, he directed market inquiries into the financial services, energy and pharmaceuticals sectors.

Maier-Rigaud was also the Competition Division of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and development’s Senior Economist.

Full Content: Enhanced Online News

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