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Meta Proposes New Data Limits on Facebook Marketplace in UK Amid CMA Oversight

 |  May 26, 2024

Meta Platforms has offered to impose new restrictions on the use of certain data from advertisers on its Facebook Marketplace platform, according to a statement from the Competition Market Authority (CMA) on Friday. This proposal is part of amendments to commitments previously accepted by the British competition regulator in November.

The CMA initially accepted commitments from Meta to prevent the company from “exploiting” data from its advertising customers. According to Reuters, these commitments included giving competitors advertising on Meta’s platforms the option to opt out of their data being used to enhance Facebook Marketplace.

The regulator has now accepted Meta’s proposed changes on a provisional basis and is seeking feedback from interested third parties. The consultation period will remain open until June 14.

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The details of any additional changes to Meta’s earlier commitments were not disclosed. This development follows a similar commitment from Amazon in November, where the company agreed not to use marketplace data from rival sellers to ensure fair competition for third-party sellers.

Meta’s new proposal underscores the ongoing scrutiny from regulatory bodies aiming to ensure fair competition and prevent large tech companies from leveraging their platforms’ data in ways that could disadvantage smaller competitors. As the consultation progresses, stakeholders from various sectors will have the opportunity to express their views on Meta’s updated commitments.
Source: Reuters