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Mexico: America Movil would face forced fee cuts with new law

 |  March 25, 2014

As Mexico looks to reign-in the dominance of certain telco companies through new competition legislation, reports say the latest bill proposed by President Enrique Pena Neto would force top companies, including wireless dominator America Movil, to phase out certain fees.

The new law would require companies to end long-distance fees, along with other charges, with threats of fines should companies violate the policy. Congress was slated to hear the proposal on Tuesday.

The measures would affect the broadcast industry, and industry leader Grupo Televisa, through regulation of advertising fees, among other guidelines, say reports.

The proposals are part of the government’s efforts to curb the control of Televisa and America Movil over their prospective markets. Officials established the Federal Telecommunications Institute last year and recently declared the two companies dominant in their industries, allowing regulators to issue sanctions on the firms in favor of boosted competition.

Full Content: Bloomberg

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