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Spain: Regulator fines Lawyer Colleges over price-setting advice

 |  October 11, 2016

Spain’s CNMC has issued sanctions on the Illustrious College of Attorneys of Madrid (ICAM) and the Illustrious College of Attorneys of Alcalá de Henares (ICAAH), foro 459,024 euros and 25,264 euros respectively, for violating the country’s competition laws. The professional associations have been accused of issuing ‘recommendations’ to their members, suggesting specific price ranges. This goes against the existing competition legislation for Professional Colleges, which forbids making collective recommendations on prices, including on purely advisory material.

Spanish authorities have found that in 2013 ICAM published a compilation of criteria for the issuing of professional fees which equalled a recommendation on prices, as the compendium included no real criteria, but rather a list of fees that should be charged by attorneys. The case against the ICAAH has also been traced back to 2013, focusing on advisory guidelines for lawyer fees published on the group’s website.

The CNMC has warned the colleges to avoid similar behavior in the future. Both organizations will also be forced to communicate the complete text of the authority’s resolution to their collegiate members.

Full Content: CNMC

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