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United Nations’ First AI Safety Resolution Unanimously Approved

 |  March 21, 2024

On Thursday, the UN General Assembly endorsed the first United Nations resolution on artificial intelligence, signaling worldwide backing for an international initiative aimed at ensuring that this powerful new technology serves the interests of all nations, upholds human rights, and is deemed “safe, secure, and trustworthy.”

Sponsored by the United States and co-sponsored by 123 countries, the resolution was unanimously adopted, marked by the striking of the gavel and conducted without a formal vote, indicating unanimous support from all 193 U.N. member states.

Earlier this month, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan remarked that the adoption of the resolution would mark a “historic step forward” in promoting the safe utilization of AI.

According to Sullivan, the resolution ““would represent global support for a baseline set of principles for the development and use of AI and would lay out a path to leverage AI systems for good while managing the risks,” as stated in a communication to The Associated Press.

Source: AP News