A PYMNTS Company


CPI TV Ten Minutes With ECA Chair Mahmoud Momtaz
 |  Aug 24, 2021

Below, we have provided the full transcript of the interview with Mahmoud Momtaz, Chair of the Egyptian Competition Authority (ECA), recorded on July 28, 2021. This is part of a…

CPI Talks… With Ioannis Lianos
 |  Aug 17, 2021

In this edition of CPI Talks we have the pleasure of speaking to Ioannis Lianos, president of the Hellenic Competition Commission (“HCC”). Thank you, Mr. Lianos, for taking this time…

Proposed New EU Competition Rules for Distribution Agreements – A Rebalancing for the Digital Age
 |  Aug 17, 2021

On July 9, 2021, the European Commission (“EC”) published for public consultation a draft revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (“VBER”) and draft revised guidelines on vertical restraints (“Vertical Guidelines”). The…

Controlling Market Power in Digital Business Ecosystems: Incorporating Unique Economic and Business Characteristics in Competition Analysis and Remedies
 |  Aug 17, 2021

Digital business ecosystems (“DBEs”) reflect the culmination of progressive changes in business models over the last 40 years. Coupled with the unique economic characteristics of the DBEs, these features amplify…

Fix It or Forget It: A “No-Remedies” Policy for Merger Enforcement
 |  Aug 17, 2021

The inherent limitations of remedies as a method of resolving competitive concerns with mergers have become more evident. The expansive use of remedies in actual practice has likely exceeded the…

Recapturing the Business Side of Innovation in Antitrust Merger Analysis
 |  Aug 17, 2021

The antitrust laws were not passed as an academic exercise. They were passed to break up the great Trusts, and to preserve competition. These were and are business issues. Our…

“Something Is Happening Here but You Don’t Know What It Is. Do You, Mrs. Jones?” Dark Patterns as an Antitrust Violation
 |  Aug 17, 2021

Internet users surfing from one website to another, or using various web-enabled applications, regularly encounter “dark patterns” — web-design choices that trick users into unknowingly providing more time, money, or…

Failure To File Reportable Mergers – Update from China
 |  Aug 17, 2021

Like many other jurisdictions, China has a system of compulsory pre-closing merger control. Like other jurisdictions, the Chinese antitrust authority – the State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) – investigates…

Inclusive Competition: Mechanics & Instruments of Inclusive Policy
 |  Aug 16, 2021

Below, we have provided the full transcript of our panel discussion Inclusive Competition: Mechanics & Instruments of Inclusive Policy. Read below to see the timely discussion where a panel of…

Inclusive Competition: Frameworks of Inclusive Competition (Institutional, leadership)
 |  Aug 16, 2021

Below, we have provided the full transcript of our panel discussion Inclusive Competition: Frameworks of Inclusive Competition (Institutional, leadership). Read below to see the timely discussion where a panel of…

CPI TV Exclusive With CMA Chair Jonathan Scott
 |  Aug 3, 2021

Below, we have provided the full transcript of the interview with Jonathan Scott, Chair of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), recorded on July 28, 2021. This is part of…

CPI TV Exclusive With HCC President Ioannis Lianos
 |  Jul 28, 2021

Below, we have provided the full transcript of the interview with Ioannis Lianos, president of the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), recorded on July 22, 2021. This is part of a…
