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The Equitable Future of Intercollegiate Athletics
 |  May 6, 2020

CompPolicyInt · The Equitable Future of Intercollegiate Athletics By Michael D. Hausfeld, Sarah LaFreniere & Eduardo A. Carlo For too long now, the NCAA has hidden behind its veil of…

Conduct Remedies, With 2020 Hindsight: Have We Learned Anything in the Last Decade?
 |  May 6, 2020

CompPolicyInt · Conduct Remedies, With 2020 Hindsight: Have We Learned Anything in the Last Decade? By John E. Kwoka Ten years ago the U.S. antitrust agencies began using conduct remedies…

An Economist’s Thoughts on Behavioral Remedies in Merger Enforcement
 |  May 6, 2020

CompPolicyInt · An Economist’s Thoughts on Behavioral Remedies in Merger Enforcement By Russell Pittman There is a substantial literature examining the experience in both the United States and the European…

SEP Licensing for the Internet of Things – Challenges for Patent Owners and Implementers
 |  Apr 6, 2020

By Matthias Schneider Licensing standard essential patents (“SEPs”) for the Internet of Things (“IoT”) will create novel challenges for parties involved in both standardization and the licensing process. This paper…

5G, FRAND Licensing, and EU Competition Law: Analytical Rigor and Persistent Myths
 |  Apr 6, 2020

By Paul Lugard It is now undisputed that 5G and IoT will revolutionize many industries, from energy to healthcare, manufacturing, and mobility. The dissemination of 5G cellular technology, connecting devices…

The Impulse to Condemn the Strange: Assessing Big Data in Antitrust
 |  Feb 26, 2020

By Alexander Krzepicki, Joshua D. Wright & John M. Yun In current antitrust policy debates, it is almost a foregone conclusion that digital platforms’ collection and use of “big data”…

Speech, Innovation, and Competition
 |  Feb 26, 2020

By Gregory Day Observers contend that concentrated power in digital markets threatens free speech. At the root of this anxiety is that private companies have accrued unprecedented control over the…

America Needs Farmers and Farmers Need Better Antitrust Law
 |  Jan 29, 2020

America’s farmers were instrumental in the passage of the nation’s first antitrust laws. The weakening of the United States’ antitrust enforcement, however, has contributed to the decline of the American…

The Anticompetitive Effects of Covenants not to Compete
 |  Jan 29, 2020

Covenants not to compete, which prevent workers from quitting their employer and moving to a competing employer, have ambiguous effects on welfare, according to economic theory. Noncompetes may enable employers…

Australia’s Digital Platform Inquiry: We’ve Only Just Begun…
 |  Dec 18, 2019

Between 2017-2019 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission con- ducted a “world rst” inquiry into digital platforms and their impact on media and advertising services markets. Its focus was Google…

The First Report of the BRICS Competition Authorities Working Group on the Digital Economy
 |  Dec 18, 2019

By Alexandre Barreto, Patrícia A. Morita Sakowski & Christine ParkThe BRICS Competition Authorities Working Group on Digital Economy recently published its rst Report under the leadership of Brazilian CADE as…

Antitrust Amorphisms
 |  Nov 26, 2019

Advocates of traditional antitrust are increasingly called upon to the defend the existing framework. In doing so they face a challenge: the traditional framework is actually quite difficult to explain.…
