U.S. Retailers, Banks Team Up On Cybersecurity

A group of U.S. banks, retailers and trade organizations have forged a new partnership to promote the fight against cybersecurity threats.

The Retail Industry Leaders Association and The Financial Services Roundtable are among a number of organizations that are pooling resources and forming working groups, Reuters reported on Feb. 13.

In a statement, Roundtable chief executive Tim Pawlenty remarked that companies in the retail and financial sectors have a lot to gain from sharing resources.

“Exploring avenues for increased information-sharing and collaborating on innovative technologies and safeguarding data will be critical in defending against common enemies,” he said.

As Market Platform Dynamics CEO Karen Webster remarked in a recent commentary, a black swan event like the data breaches has the potential to spark new innovations in the market. Read what she has to say on the topic by clicking here.

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