Dynamic Ads Jump To Instagram

Facebook has announced that dynamic ads — a targeting feature that allows merchants to tailor what ads are shown to what consumers on the basis of products the customer has viewed on the merchant’s site or app — will be officially rolling out on Instagram.

Dynamic ads have been a popular addition to the Facebook suite of tools for marketers, as it allows a fairly quick method for vendors to upload a product catalog and input some specific rules to instruct the social network’s software to auto-target consumers with ads featuring products that the customer may be interested in (based on what merchandise they have already viewed).

Merchants will also be able to fine-tune where in the Facebook digital network they want their ads to appear — on the eponymous Facebook site, on Instagram or on sites and apps that exist within the mobile ad network Audience (which Facebook owns).

“By extending dynamic ads to Instagram, advertisers can promote relevant products to shoppers who have browsed their website or mobile app across two platforms where they spend much of their time,” Facebook writes in a blog post.

The expansion of dynamic ads into Instagram is accompanied by an upgrade to the Custom audience tool, which allows advertisers a way to tap into the non-Facebook information to target customers on Facebook. That data includes how often customers do certain things, how long they do them, what their interest levels were, how much they have spent in the past and what their favored device for access might have been (desktop, smartphone, etc).