A PYMNTS Company

Peru: Government shuns former Odebrecht partners from reconstruction contracts

 |  May 30, 2017

Peruvian Prime Minister Fernando Zavala has urged construction companies accused of corruption to “not participate” in bidding processes to rebuild areas hit by severe flooding around the country.

Graña y Montero, Peru’s largest construction company and former partner of Brazil’s Odebrecht, was reported by the local prosecutor’s office for a crime of collusion for allegedly participating in bribes.

“I want to give a clear message to the companies that have integrated the works consortium that are now being questioned … I think that until the subject of the investigations is clarified, they should not participate in the reconstruction process,” Zavala said during a press conference.

According to Zavala, this would “give them the possibility of demonstrating, after the investigations, how they have acted.” Rather than forbidding, he said, the intention is to urge those companies not to participate.

Full Content: América Economía

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