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EU: Parliament carries cartel damages bill one step further

 |  April 17, 2014

The European Parliament has reportedly approved of the European Commissions proposals aimed at facilitating victims of cartel abuse to seek damages, moving the bill one step closer to final approval.

The Directive is the result of proposals first offered by the Commission last June. According to the regulator, the new guidelines will make it easier for cartel victims to access evidence of the abuse to aid their damages claims; the provisions would also allow more time for those cases to be filed.

The Commission says the rules would, at the same time, preserve its leniency and settlement programs.

With MEPs approving of the Directive, the rules are now headed for final approval at the EU Council of Ministers, according to the Commission. After final approval, EU member states will have two years to implement the new rules into their legal systems, the Commission said.

Full Content: Europa

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