November 2013, Volume 3, Number 11
As we approach Thanksgiving here in the U.S., we note some blog subjects who have something to be thankful for: American Airlines leads the list, but there’s also Google and British energy consumers. However, on the not-so-grateful side there are patent trolls, the disabled in Wales, German conservationists, and admirers of the French Blocking Statute. We also take a look at estoppel, evidence assessment, and some recent Canadian decisions that could have a strong extraterritorial impact.
An Unwise Airline Merger
In agreeing to the merger, the department seems to have forgotten the crucial arguments it made in its suit.
Editorial Board (NY Times)
A Rare Victory for Competitive Markets
The episode is a useful one-it deflates (as if further deflation were necessary) any pretense that antitrust is a clinical and apolitical enterprise.
Editors (Wall Street Journal)
Sad but true
To the Commission, article 9 decisions sound like Hetfield’s epic lyrics: “I’m your truth, telling lies; I’m your reason alibis.”
Nicolas Petit (Chillin’ Competition)
Hill Panel Grills Antitrust Leaders
Could we maybe get the FTC to take a little more aggressive approach to protecting consumers in this area [patent trolls]?
Jenna Greene (The BLT)
The Estoppel Abuse
If there is no antitrust obligation to supply, critics argue, how can the terms of supply be abusive?
Kevin Coates (21st Century Competition)
Not Playing Nicely
The second example of bad behaviour comes from the European Commission and EU General Court, who together have achieved the remarkable goal of making even fans of the European project wonder what on earth is the point of the EU.
Max Findlay (AntitrustConnect Blog)
Random Thoughts
[For] EU Courts and the Commission..whereas the principle of “joint assessment of evidence” is consolidated and very much followed when it comes to assessing the evidentiary value of incriminatory items, the same cannot be said about exculpatory ones.
Alfonso Lamadrid (Chillin’ Competition)