A PYMNTS Company

US: Class action is latest response to DOJ’s massive auto parts price-fixing probes

 |  February 28, 2013

A Department of Justice investigation into alleged price-fixing within the auto parts suppliers industry has resulted in a slew of litigations, the most recent being a class action filed Wednesday in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The case is aimed at the makers and suppliers of auto parts that start an engine, specifically named as Denso Corp., Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi Automotive Systems Ltc, Mitsuba Corp and Mitsubishi Electric Corp. The defendants either could not be reached for comment or declined to comment. While the US is in the midst of its own sweeping of the auto parts industry, the defendants named in the most recent class action have also been the target of a similar sweep in Japan.


Full Content: Thomson Reuters

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