A PYMNTS Company

US: SCOTUS makes big patent ruling

 |  May 13, 2013

Seed giant Monsanto Co. earned a big win in the Supreme Court as SCOTUS unanimously upheld the previously issued $84,456 award to the company won in a high-profile case concerning a patent on Monsanto soybeans. The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit upheld the award in 2011, in which a farmer from Indiana, found to have been re-growing herbicide-resistant soybeans instead of buying new seed from Monsanto. The most recent ruling from the Supreme Court, which upholds the award, has broader implications for patents on self-generating technologies, such as live vaccines, medical bacteria strains or genetically modified salmon. The Court noted, however, that their ruling was narrow and does not blanket all patents of the sort, recognizing the complexities of such technologies.

Full Content: Bloomberg

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