Do you think national competition authorities are equipped to enforce DMA-like legislation?
Dec 14, 2023
Şahin Ardiyok, Public Policy, Regulation Competition Partner, BASEAK Istanbul, November 2023
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in the digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, and innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in the digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, and innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How do dynamic capabilities of big tech companies shape the digital ecosystems to bring about innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in the digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, and innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, and innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How do dynamic capabilities of big tech companies shape the digital ecosystems to bring about innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in the digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, and innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How do dynamic capabilities of big tech companies shape the digital ecosystems to bring about innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in the digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, and innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
How can competition policy help secure an Open Internet that benefits consumers, developers, as well as innovation?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What role does M&A play in the digital economy? How can M&A help spur innovation in the digital markets?
Aug 2, 2022
Melbourne Law School
What should be the role of NCAs to ensure competition without blunting innovation?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
What are the differences in EU and US enforcement in digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Do you foresee more antitrust enforcement in the tech sector in years to come?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Are there cases where it is advisable to impose structural remedies or break up large tech companies?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Is there merit in the recent reports’ proposals to adapt antitrust rules to digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Do ongoing consultations properly consider the boundaries between competition, privacy and data?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Are enforcers equipped to analyze competition in digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Are enforcers equipped to analyze competition in digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Is there merit in the recent reports’ proposals to adapt antitrust rules to digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Is it only a matter of time before distinguishing online and offline advertising as anachronistic?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Do ongoing consultations properly consider the boundaries between competition, privacy and data?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Are value-based notification thresholds needed to protect against “killer acquisitions”?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Is there merit in the recent reports’ proposals to adapt antitrust rules to digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Is there merit in the recent reports’ proposals to adapt antitrust rules to digital markets?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Do ongoing consultations properly consider the boundaries between competition, privacy and data?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
Are value-based notification thresholds needed to protect against “killer acquisitions”?
Nov 8, 2019
Harvard Law School
How does “big data” differ from other assets that a company holds?
Oct 24, 2019
How does “big data” differ from other assets that a company holds?
Oct 24, 2019
Digital markets and antitrust enforcement: what are the priorities?
Oct 24, 2019
Why the antitrust authorities are looking into business practices of tech companies?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School
Is the digital economy growing the EU and the US closer or apart?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School
What are some big issues for antitrust in platform industries?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School
Is the digital economy growing the EU and the US closer or apart?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School
Is the digital economy growing the EU and the US closer or apart?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School
Why are many big tech companies and “unicorns” founded in the US or China?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School
Is the digital economy growing the EU and the US closer or apart?
Nov 9, 2018
Harvard Law School