
App Engagement The New Frontier For Customer Experience?

More than 1 trillion push notifications were sent to mobile devices by developers and publishers in 2014, solidifying the importance of app engagement when trying to reach mobile users, VentureBeat reported yesterday (June 23).

But with notification turn-off rates reaching 60 percent, more may need to be done by developers to reach those who download their apps.

The opportunity for deeper engagement may be available, according to this data. However, developers must still face the ongoing battle to attract users who will download their apps then keep their attention long enough to engage effectively.

Mobile marketing automation may be the answer app owners are looking for.

The solution, similar to that of a customer relationship management system, provides new functionality geared toward smart personalization. It gives both mobile gaming companies and enterprises the chance to engage with users on a one-to-one basis.

“Machine learning-based automation enables our clients to engage with the right person, at the right time, with the right message,” Tanuj Mendiratta, co-founder of mobile marketing automation solution Appiterate, told VentureBeat.

This type of capability has the potential to significantly alter the way companies attempt to engage mobile customers, especially if real-time customizable communications can be utilized.

As more companies continue to enter the mobile space, it is important to note how customer engagement changes with the use of alternative communication platforms and channels. Reaching customers via mobile may soon become a priority for driving enhanced customer experiences.

Engagement is ranked as the primary goal of mobile app strategies by 42 percent of retailers and ad agencies, ahead of online purchases (35 percent), driving in-store sales (16 percent) and brand awareness (6 percent), according to a report released by eCommerce marketing tech vendor Criteo earlier this year.

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