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Apple To Allow Fortnite Back On App Store After Update

 |  December 13, 2022

Fortnite could finally be making its grand return to Apple devices using iOS, such as iPhones and iPads, as early as 2024 in the European Union. But it’s not set in stone just yet.

This is due to Apple’s latest project that will allow “alternative” app stores onto their devices following the passing of a new EU law dubbed the Digital Markets Act, which, among other things, prevents tech giants like Apple and Google from gatekeeping third-party developers and restricting consumer choice via their respective app stores, according to a report from Bloomberg.

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When the changes are implemented by their 2024 deadline, users could in theory use the Google Play Store on iOS devices or the Apple App Store on Android. But it also opens the door for other companies to launch their own app stores.

This means that Fortnite could finally return to iOS devices in some official capacity. When Epic Games added a direct payment method to Fortnite on Apple devices back in August 2020, one that bypassed the App Store’s fees, Apple responded by taking down the Fortnite app and terminating Epic’s developer accounts.