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Colombia: Congress to consider bill for ‘unified’ telecom regulator

 |  October 23, 2017

A bill has presented to the Colombian Congress seeking the creation of a ‘convergent regulator’ in telecommunications. If approved, the Commission for Communications Regulation (CRC) will be transformed into the Communications Commission, which will also take on the duties of the National Television Authority (ANTV).

“The regulator is expected to respond to the current dynamics in the sector and facilitate the relationship between agents, as well as between users and the State,” the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC) said in a statement.

The Communications Commission will have the power to grant licenses for television and audio broadcasting and to manage the TV Development Fund, now in the hands of ANTV. MinTIC, meanwhile, will continue direct policy and will remain in charge of surveillance and control of the sector, except in matters related to user protection, which will continue to be shouldered by the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce (SIC).

The project contemplates for the convergent regulator to retain legal autonomy and administrative, patrimonial, budgetary and technical independence. It will consist of five commissioners appointed for six years, with no possibility of re-election.

Full Content: TeleSemana

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