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EU: EC ends proceedings against Slovak rail company

 |  July 25, 2019

On September 25, 2018, the European Commission sent a Statement of Objections to the Slovak rail company ZSSK. The Commission informed ZSSK about its preliminary view that the company obstructed an inspection conducted in June 2016 under the antitrust Regulation 1/2003, by giving incorrect information and deleting data from a laptop.

Following a careful assessment of all the evidence, including ZSSK’s reply to the Statement of Objections and the oral hearing, the Commission has decided not to further pursue the case.

The Commission carried out inspections at ZSSK’s premises in June 2016. The Commission suspected that ZSSK may have entered into anti-competitive agreements aimed at shutting out competing rail passenger transport operators from the market, in breach of EU antitrust rules.

The investigation is still ongoing.

Full Content: European Commission

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