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India: Antitrust watchdog fines Google for abusing dominant position

 |  February 8, 2018

India’s antitrust watchdog on Thursday, February 8, imposed a 1.36 billion rupees (US $21.17 million) fine on Google for “search bias” and abuse of its dominant position, in the latest regulatory setback for the world’s most popular internet search engine, reported the Washington Post.

The regulator has been investigating Google since 2012 when a website called Matrimony.com and the Consumer Unity &Trust Society complained about Google’s practices.

According to the complaints, Google manipulated search results to promote its own and partner services.

The Indian watchdog’s order is the latest antitrust setback for Google. Last year, The European Commission imposed a record €2.4 billion  ($3 billion) fine on the company for favoring its shopping service and demoting rival offerings. Google has appealed against the order.

Full Content: The Washington Post

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