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Russia: Gazprom not afraid Ukraine might withdraw gas to enforce antitrust fine

 |  June 1, 2017

Gazprom expects that a final decision from the Stockholm arbitration might be made by the end of June, and is not afraid of Ukraine withdrawing gas, the Russian gas giant’s CEO, Alexei Miller, has told reporters.

He declined to comment on the news about the Stockholm arbitration until a final decision is made.

“There is no arbitration decision,” he repeated several times.

“I don’t know what Naftogaz is saying. When there is a final decision, then it will be possible to comment. There will be a final decision no earlier than the end of June,” Miller said.

Commenting on the risk of Ukraine withdrawing gas to enforce a fine imposed on Gazprom by the country’s Antimonopoly Committee, Miller said “let them try.”

Full Content: Kyiv Post

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