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Russian Antitrust Watchdog Will Check On Foodprice Hikes

 |  April 12, 2020

Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) will check the information about rising food prices, the FAS press service reported.

Earlier, speaker of the State Duma, lower house of parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin asked Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to take control of rising food prices. According to him, the lawmakers are receiving a lot of complaints from citizens complaining about rising prices for food products.

“The service will conduct checks on the information on price hikes submitted by deputies of the State Duma at a meeting with the government on April 9,” the statement said.

The regulator noted that it had switched to daily monitoring of prices in retail chains and online stores following the change of the economic situation. Earlier this week, hundreds of activists of the All-Russian Popular Front have joined in the monitoring in all regions of Russia.

The FAS also reminded that a special “hot line” on food prices has been launched.

Earlier, the watchdog reported that there are no objective reasons for the increase in the cost of sugar and buckwheat in Russia, the available reserves can cover the demand of consumers.

Full Content: TASS

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