A PYMNTS Company

UK: Tesco-Booker merger should be blocked, wholesalers tell CMA

 |  October 8, 2017

The bosses of the UK’s seven biggest wholesalers – Spar, Bestway, Bidfood, Landmark, Confex, Sugro and the country’s biggest buying group, Wholesale Services – believe the merger between Tesco and Brooker would “threaten the survival of the independent retailer”.

The news comes just one day after Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis announced at the grocer’s half-year results yesterday that he was confident that the merger was on track

However, the seven wholesalers – which make up about 60% of the convenience market – disagreed with Lewis and refuted Tesco’s claim the deal would enhance competition.

The wholesale bosses also refuted the claim it would promote consumer interests. They believe the merger will harm suppliers, result in higher prices and less choice for independent retailers and their consumers.

Full Content: Gov UK

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