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US: Ethics watchdog offers to help Nordstrom sue Trump under competition law

 |  February 8, 2017

Norm Eisen, co-founder of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, has offered to help Nordstrom and other companies sue President Donald Trump for improperly using his executive position to hurt their businesses.

In a tweet on Wednesday, Trump blasted Nordstrom for dropping his daughter Ivanka’s line of products.

“My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom,” Trump tweeted using the official POTUS account. “She is a great person — always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!”

Eisen immediately called the president’s tweet “outrageous.”

“Nordstrom, others injured should consider suing, incl. under CA Unfair Comp Law, forbidding ‘any unfair biz act,’” Eisen wrote on Twitter. “I will help!”

“He should not be promoting his daughter’s line, he should not be attacking a company that has business dealings with his daughter,” Larry Noble of the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center told CNN, “and it just shows the massive amount of problems we have with his business holdings and his family’s business holdings.”

“If he was any other government employee, this would be illegal,” Noble added.

Full Content: The Slates

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