A PYMNTS Company

US: Steel firm drops Huntington hospital merger appeal

 |  October 20, 2016

A Huntington steel manufacturer has dropped its appeal of Cabell Huntington Hospital’s “cooperative agreement” to acquire St. Mary’s Medical Center, but the company won’t withdraw its lawsuit that seeks to pry loose 350 documents related to the merger.

Steel of West Virginia asked Kanawha Circuit Judge James Stucky to dismiss the case this week. Nonetheless, the company reiterated its opposition to the merger, saying it would create a “healthcare monopoly” in the Huntington area.

“This merger is very bad for Huntington,” said Tim Duke, president and CEO of Steel of West Virginia. “Unfortunately, not enough people have stepped up to stop this monopoly from forming.”

The company also has a lawsuit against West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, who has blocked the release of records about the hospital merger for more than a year.

Full Content: Charleston Gazette Mail

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