A PYMNTS Company

Belgium Approves The Acquisition Of Eltra By Groep Heylen

 |  April 9, 2020

The Investigation and Prosecution Service of the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) has approved on April 9, 2020, the concentration by which Plug 21 BV acquires sole control over Eltra NV.

The concentration was notified on March 26, 2020, and the application of the simplified procedure was requested. Plug 21 BV is a newly established subsidiary of Hastings & Cornwall BVBA, which in turn belongs to the group Heylen, a Belgian holding company with participations in various sectors.

Eltra NV is a subsidiary of Sonepar Belgium Comm. V. and Cebeo NV. Eltra is active on the wholesale market for electrical installation material, lighting, security, electric heating and fans, batteries, and other electrical materials.

In its decision of April 9, 2020, the BCA found that the conditions for the application of the simplified procedure were met and that the notified merger does not raise any objections.

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