Prescription App Provider Ranking Gives a Dose of Useful Intel


“Are you safe? Are you sound? Are you whole? Are you well?” Fans of the original TV adaptation of “Horton Hears a Who” will recognize that as an elephant’s distress call to the occupants of a dust speck — but it works just as well when asking patients how they feel.

PYMNTS’ Provider Ranking of Prescription Apps does Horton one better, sharing the latest intel on the Rx apps most favored by a nation shaking off a pandemic with discounted meds.

As usual, this ranking is all tied up. Fortunately, we’ve taken our meds — so there’s no challenge too great, no app too obscure and no rank too rarified that we can’t tackle it.

Here we go now. We’re tackling it.

The Top Five

Still neck-and-neck at No. 1 it’s GEICO Mobile and Progressive just staring at each other.

The State Farm app remains firmly planted at No. 2.

Allstate Mobile sticks at No. 3. No change there.

Dropping a spot to No. 4 is USAA Mobile, but it stays in the coveted top five.

Here’s something new: The Jerry: Car Insurance app rises one spot to enter the top five at No. 5, which is a true accomplishment. We remember when they first appeared. What a journey.

The Top 10

Dropping two chart positions and out of the top five, it’s Liberty Mutual Mobile. They’ll be back.

Also, down a tart two points is the Lemonade Insurance app. Still, it’s a zesty app.

Travelers Mobile isn’t traveling this cycle, staying comfy at No. 8.

Now it’s time for more tied scores. You had to know it was coming.

Tumbling two spots to No. 9 it’s Farmers Insurance Mobile, and rising one chart position to meet it there is Safeco Mobile, which only recently entered this ranking.

Tied at No. 10 this cycle, we’ve got Cover — Insurance in a Snap tumbling three chart positions from the last cycle, joined by the Esurance Mobile app, which drops one spot.

That’s a wrap. Stay insured. You never know.